The 'Goa Pharmaceutical Manufacturers' Association (GPMA)' is the professional body comprising of representatives of the pharmaceutical industry in Goa.
It is committed to provide competitive edge to the pharmaceutical industries located at Goa therby facilitating their progress in the domestic and international healthcare markets.
Vision - Mission
To evolve as a cohesive, dynamic and ethical association that inspires, innovates and creates opportunities for member organizations to optimize their outreach for the manufacture of high quality affordable medicines for the benefit of patients.
- Build and maintain effective communication channels in order to strengthen the relationships with members of the association, and at the same time build better relationships with individuals and state organizations and other relevant associations.
- To unitedly address through a common platform any economical, political and legal issues in the field of pharmaceutical business.
- To undertake regular Corporate Social Responsibility engagements, in order to ensure optimal outreach in local communities for providing education, health care and sensitizing the community to ensure appropriate drug use.
- To promote, support and work on finding solutions together for visible problems in pharmaceutical profession.
- Harmonize pharmaceutical regulations and legal legislations and make necessary recommendations to the Government of Goa, on vital professional issues, thus contributing in policy formulation relating to the pharma industry.
- Build an industry-academia strategic partnership in order to collaborate on research and innovation projects, to support pharmaceutical education and sciences in all aspects, for the mutual benefit of both the students and the industry for the over-all advancement of public health.
- Ensure operations of its members in an ethical manner, in compliance with local laws and set marketing practices, thus contributing to the growth of the nation.
- Provide opportunities to member organizations for professional development and technical competence by way of regular conduct of technical workshop/seminars for the benefit of their associates by offering innovative and unique programs and training projects.
- Disseminate relevant information to all member organizations on the current trends, regulatory changes, resources, governmental laws and regulations affecting the pharmaceutical field.
- Unitedly make proposals to the Government and other legislative bodies for the provision of the needed incentives and infrastructure for the smooth functioning of the pharma industry.
- Strongly accept responsibility of the association for better public health.
The major objevtives of GPMA are:
- To take up any professional issues that are adversely impacting or have potential adverse effects on the operations of the member companies with the relavant Government or Non-Government Organizations (NGOs) and facilitate finding sustainable solutions in the interest of the member companies.
- To facilitate enhancement of technical, managerial and operational knowledge of the professionals working for the member companies by organizing value loaded training programs, seminars, symposia, conferences or exhibitions on topics of current interests and by sharing updates on various relevant topics through the website.
- To facilitate fruitful interaction of the member companies with the academic institutions at Goa and thereby support the students in acquiring industry oriented professional knowledge and experience during their graduation and post-graduation strudies.
News Updates
Goa Pharmaceuticals Manufacturers Association felicitated Ms. Medha Desai, Deputy DirectorGoa Pharmaceuticals Manufacturers Association felicitated Ms. Medha Desai, Deputy Director at Goa Fo..... | read more
Goa Pharmaceuticals Manufacturers Association participated in Vanijya UtsavTwo days Programme was held on 21st and 22nd September 2021 at Goa International Centre, Dona Paula ..... | read more
Meeting with the Drugs Controller General (India) held on 11th November 2019 at Taj Exotica, Goa.Meeting was called by Goa FDA for interaction with the members of GPMA and the DCGI. Mrs. Jyoti Sard..... | read more